Art and mustard mill


If you add your mustard to everything, you’re not exactly in high social standing. The saying originates from a time when the condiment was served with almost every meal and was therefore quickly outgrown by one or the other.
Owning a mustard mill, however, promised absolute wealth and obliged the members of the family.

Mustard miller Friedrich Morgenroth is also already part of the 8th generation. The imposing Kleinhettstedt mill itself has a few more years under its belt. The fact that the mustard mill is flourishing again after the reunification is mainly due to the energy of the Morgenroth family.

While the old technology was scrapped everywhere or, at best, passed on to museums, here they deliberately relied on the antique grinders for mustard production. These had one advantage over the highly industrialized mass plants: they were slower. While modern plants produce their mustard at a high speed of 3000 rpm, the Kleinhettstedt mill grinds at a much slower speed. The advantage: the valuable mustard oil is not destroyed by frictional heat.

More than 20 different types of mustard are produced at the mill today, each with its own special flavor. In the mill’s own store, in the mustard mill duck or during a visit to the restaurant of the mill’s landlord, for example, orange, caraway or Thuringian kitchen mustard can be tasted.

Good to know

Opening hours:

April – November:
Tue – Sat: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sun: 10:00 – 17:00

December – March
Tue – Sat: 10:00 – 16:30

Offers/ Recommendations/ Tips:

Detailed guided tour (only possible by appointment):
approx. 1 hr, 3€/person.

Short guided tour:
30 min, 1,50€/ person

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